Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day of Reckoning

The day of reckoning and has come and gone. I was pretty nervous. My heart pounding so hard I thought it would jump out of my chest. I took a few good deep yoga breaths (thanx Ren) and it really helped. Somehow my legs got me up to the podium. It passed quicker than I thought it would. There was one question - asked in a bit of an obnoxious way - but I think I answered well. I'm happy it's over. Now I can focus on Pessach cleaning! Yeh!
Volunteering is not going quite the way I expected. The hospital library was a disappointment. I spoke to a librarian from Weizmann Institute and asked her about volunteering. She didn't sound too enthusiastic. Why is it so hard to find a place to volunteer? But, my friend spoke to the head librarian at Weizmann and made me an appointment to speak with her Monday. We'll see how that goes.
Tonight Adam and I are going out to celebrate the end of the presentation era. Lots of meat, sorbet and maybe a drink that comes with those little umbrellas in it (for me, of course. not manly enough for my man). Yum cocktails.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Counting down

Three more days until the big conference where I do my thing. I feel pretty confident that the presentation is good. Now I need to figure out what to wear!
The kids are counting down the days until Bubbe and Grandpa arrive. Two weeks and three days. That means that I don't have much time for cleaning... After this presentation I have to get to work.
Book update: I did what I usually never do and put down the leper book. Too much for me. I've read a few books since then and the one that sticks out in my mind is the "Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night" (or something like that). It is from the point of view of a kid with Asperger syndrome. Very interesting.
Purim was fun. We dressed up as punk kids. I think I looked a bit more goth then punk. Adam looked fantastic! I donned the fishnets and Docs for the get-up (Carrie!!!) and a good time was had by all.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The bat, the witch and the baseball player

It's Purim time again. We love Purim. But I love it most once it is over and you look at the pictures and have the great memories. It's a lot of work. The kids need their costumes ready to wear to school. There are Humantachen to be made, mishloac manot, the great big seudah (feast), the's all fun but it ends up being tons of work for the adults. As you can see above I have a witch, a bat and baseball player. Y was suppose to be a clown but didn't happily paticipate. We'll see if he changes his mind for the actual Purim. Adam and I still haven't finalized our costume. Tune in to find out what we will be...
The volunteering did not work out. Too bad. I went to the library and spent a few hours there. Not much to be done. Plus I was frustrated being there seeing all the books and journals haphazardly laying around. Not in order. They don't have any bookends!!! So what if most of the journals and books can now be found on-line. Hardcopy is still important and should be taken care of properly. I might go back to just fix things up a bit. But not today.
I have been working on my presentation. It's in a week and a half. Someone stressed me yesterday by telling me I can't read the lecture. I knew that already but didn't really care. If I am doing it in Hebrew I am going to read it for the most part. But now I'm not so sure what to do. I will try practicing as many times as I can (it does get boring after a while) and maybe in the end I will know most of it by heart. Maybe not.
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