Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I did it. I called Kaplan hospital and volunteered my services. The librarian said I fell "out of the sky" from G-d since right NOW she is in need of a volunteer. Funny how things work. I actually walked into two other libraries today. One children's library and the main Rehovot library (where I changed books for the whole family) and it was on the tip of my tongue to ask in both places about volunteering but something held me back. I think I will get the most experience in the medical library. It is small with only one librarian and she will need me to do real stuff besides just shelving and covering books with plastic.
I can't get into the leper book. I don't know if it's the subject or the writing. Maybe both. But now I have four books from the library to read. I just usually don't stop reading in the middle of a book.
Obama is handing over $900 M to Gaza. How do you like that? Supposedly, won't go to Hamas. Who is he kidding? Check out Andy McCarthy's blog about it. Good reading.
Gotta get the kids...Have a good one.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Our family addiction has become stupid computer games. We all sit like zombies matching colors and bombing tiles. It's quite pathetic but we can't stop! We need an intervention. I have to honestly say though that when the kids are home and I need to be around (with partial mental capability and concentration in case something happens or someone gets hurt...) and not buried in a book or lazing in the bath, playing stupid computer games work well. But there does come a point every day when I threaten to erase all games from the two computers because I can't stand seeing everyone attached to the screen. The kids barely ask to watch TV anymore because they are all entranced in the game. Sad.
I'm also becoming addicted to my one (I know that's not much but for me it is) cup of joe every morning. Except I still get the shakes if I don't eat a proper meal at some point after drinking the coffee.
The day of my presentation is creeping up. Three weeks tomorrow. Five pages are translated. I seriously think I am going to have to just read it. There is no way I will freely be able to speak in Hebrew and express myself properly. Although I think that presenters look stupid and are boring when they read off of cards instead of speak to the audience. Now I am going to be one of those stupid, boring people. I should have listened to Chana from the get-go and not agreed to do it. What am I getting out of it anyway besides just terrible nerves and stress?
Maybe I'll just imagine all those professors and librarians sitting in front of the computer playing matching games and I'll be ok...

Sunday, February 22, 2009


We bought a bonsai on Friday. Farmer from the South has been selling his goods at the kid's school to try to make a little extra profit. It looks great as our table centerpiece. Hopefully by the end of the week it will flower.
It's still raining. Rain glorious rain. We walked in the rain to shul yesterday. It was wonderful! It wasn't really cold and when we reached our destination we found Shaya in his undershirt (and pants) standing happily in the downpour. The only problem is that water-wise we need another two months of this, at least, but there is only one more day of "showers" on the weather report.
It's been quiet. Restful. The rain does that, has a calming effect (or is it affect? I do get confused between the two). Except for when the kids start acting up and making me crazy, of course.
I finished March. It was good but depressing. What account of war isn't? But truly, I have first hand accounts of such things over here, don't really need a book to tell me the horrors of war... So, I started a new "lighter" novel about a leper colony. I can really use some more uplifting recommendations of what to read.
Vacations. A few of my friends are out and about all over the world. I would love to go away. Grab Adam and run. Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Turkey...I'll keep dreaming.
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blister in the Sun

All is well in Sharyn's world. I already missed a blog day but believe you me that you didn't want to read whatever I would have posted yesterday. I was cranky. Real cranky. But today is another day. Kids are all in school, I went to work. Life is good.
Domestic question: WHY does my laundry always come out with lint/detergent on it? You would think that after 12 years of laundering (unfortunately, not money) I would have figured it out by now. But, no. Always the dark items have stuff on them. My kids walk around looking like poor, neglected. They really don't care but I do.
Last night Adam and I watched "The Wrestler" with Mickey Rourke. Is that really his body? and Marisa Tomei - wow! she looks fantastic (age 44). The critics all gave it A's. We enjoyed it. So, I was asking Adam afterwards this question: When a woman performs in a strip club for whatever reason (needs the money, enjoys it, whatever) it is thought of as shameful or embarrassing (for her family, kids, many people in the world, etc...) BUT when a woman performs as a stripper in a movie as an actress and the entire world sees it, that's ok because she is an actress and it's "art". That really bothers me. A woman does what she has to or wants to do and it should never be considered shameful. You with me?
Two of my fb friends had baby's this week. Congrats to them. I didn't feel any twinge inside. That is good.
Still working on "March". I like the writing style.
I'll leave you off today with a video (need to use the link. I still don't know how to get it actually onto my blog) for all you ol' time Femmes lovers. How I would have loved to see them in concert.
"When I'm a walking I strut my stuff..."
(If you're a real die hard check out "Kiss off" too. LOVE IT!)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rain on me!

Good morning world. My prayers have worked (along with the millions of other prayers). The long awaited for rain has been falling. According to Yahoo weather there will be at least four more days of rain starting Friday. Hallelujah! In honor of this wonderful forecast I wanted to pull out Peter Gabriel's "Red Rain" but, unfortunately, it is missing. Had to settle for some INXS. Speaking of Peter, good for him for pulling out of the Oscars. He should be allowed to perform his entire song, not a measly 65 seconds. Pretty funny (or sad) that all the performers that I like are now known by my children because they are featured on their Disney (Pixar, etc.) movies!

THANK YOU to everyone who has commented and supported my new endeavor! I just want to straighten out some confusion...I am still working with Ziv and plan to stay with him forever. The most amazing boss in the world. I work two mornings a week for him. I want to add another couple of mornings to that with something else in the library/information sector. I mean I did work my butt off for a few years to get a Masters for a reason...

Y is better . Back to his absolute cute terrorist self. Taking the entire house apart piece by piece. How happy I was when I saw the destruction! You know what BALAGAN means??? He is happily in gan and I am happily alone.

"The Don" - mystery man. I know two Donny F's. Show your face.
Eema - I'm so happy you're my first follower (only). I am now you're follower too (and E,N &H).

Another first for me (well, not really a first more like a third but it has been a long time) is going to the gym. I started about a month ago. Loving it. I had to stop for a week due to Y's illness but I went last night to an aerobics dance class. Wow, not for me. I just could NOT follow what was going on. I am one of those people who takes forever to follow the hora dance steps and just as I get it they change the steps on me. Well, this was like that but worse. Yoga on the other hand, more my speed. I cannot do the "clown" position (see photo in link) and don't know if I ever will (and that's not even such a hard pose supposedly!) and many other poses but all in all it feels good.
A quote for your day: “The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” Benjamin Franklin
I am a librarian, don't forget. And a geek. I get a "thought of the day" email daily. I'll be happy to share the ones I like.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A First

Sitting in the sunshine really wishing for rain. This is a first for me, sharing my thoughts with the world. I decided it's time for more firsts. Just don't know what they should be. Any ideas?
I have time on my hands while I wait to find another part time job, hopefully as a librarian or in information. I really want to work. Really really. Need to use my brain before it shrivels up from fb overuse...
I love stream of conciousness so maybe I will apply that to my blog. Just write whatever comes to mind. Or maybe not. A little of this a little of that. It's been three and a half months of sending out my resume and not one response. There aren't too many part-time jobs out there or "working from home" jobs that are in my field but there are some. None of them want me. I guess we'll just keep on waiting, anticipating. Anyone willing to look at my resume and help spiffy it up for me? In the meantime, I will bore you all with the story of my life.
So, Y has been sick for six days and I am ready to fly out the window. Fever off and on. Crying off and on. Tomorrow he is going back to gan. He has to or I will go crazy. Whoever decided to use sleep deprivation as a form of torture really got it right.
Volunteering. That is what I am going to do until I find a job. It'll give me some experience which I need. I just need to find a library that will take me.
I finished reading the two first books about Rashi's daughters, Jocheved and Miriam, by Maggie Anton. Quite interesting. I love historical fiction and this was mixed with Talmud and Judaism so it made for a good read for me. I couldn't believe how they lived with so many beliefs of superstitions. There is a certain order of how to cut your nails so the scholar won't forget what he has learned, words that are written in chalk around a birthing room to keep the demons away, Thursday is the best day to start a journey and NEVER venture out on a Saturday night...and so much more. Supposedly all these are written in the Talmud. Not the parts I've learned (not that that I've learned so much - maybe another thing I should look into doing).
I picked up a new book to start, March, by Geraldine Brooks. I really enjoyed her latest novel (also historical fiction with a Jewish theme), "People of the Book". This one (March) takes place during the Civil War. I'll let you know how it goes.