Monday, February 16, 2009

A First

Sitting in the sunshine really wishing for rain. This is a first for me, sharing my thoughts with the world. I decided it's time for more firsts. Just don't know what they should be. Any ideas?
I have time on my hands while I wait to find another part time job, hopefully as a librarian or in information. I really want to work. Really really. Need to use my brain before it shrivels up from fb overuse...
I love stream of conciousness so maybe I will apply that to my blog. Just write whatever comes to mind. Or maybe not. A little of this a little of that. It's been three and a half months of sending out my resume and not one response. There aren't too many part-time jobs out there or "working from home" jobs that are in my field but there are some. None of them want me. I guess we'll just keep on waiting, anticipating. Anyone willing to look at my resume and help spiffy it up for me? In the meantime, I will bore you all with the story of my life.
So, Y has been sick for six days and I am ready to fly out the window. Fever off and on. Crying off and on. Tomorrow he is going back to gan. He has to or I will go crazy. Whoever decided to use sleep deprivation as a form of torture really got it right.
Volunteering. That is what I am going to do until I find a job. It'll give me some experience which I need. I just need to find a library that will take me.
I finished reading the two first books about Rashi's daughters, Jocheved and Miriam, by Maggie Anton. Quite interesting. I love historical fiction and this was mixed with Talmud and Judaism so it made for a good read for me. I couldn't believe how they lived with so many beliefs of superstitions. There is a certain order of how to cut your nails so the scholar won't forget what he has learned, words that are written in chalk around a birthing room to keep the demons away, Thursday is the best day to start a journey and NEVER venture out on a Saturday night...and so much more. Supposedly all these are written in the Talmud. Not the parts I've learned (not that that I've learned so much - maybe another thing I should look into doing).
I picked up a new book to start, March, by Geraldine Brooks. I really enjoyed her latest novel (also historical fiction with a Jewish theme), "People of the Book". This one (March) takes place during the Civil War. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Good luck with your blog Sharyn. In the future try to stay off the weed before posting.
    Donny F

  2. Frenkel. Sorry I didn't realize you knew more than one obnoxious Donny F.
