Monday, February 23, 2009


Our family addiction has become stupid computer games. We all sit like zombies matching colors and bombing tiles. It's quite pathetic but we can't stop! We need an intervention. I have to honestly say though that when the kids are home and I need to be around (with partial mental capability and concentration in case something happens or someone gets hurt...) and not buried in a book or lazing in the bath, playing stupid computer games work well. But there does come a point every day when I threaten to erase all games from the two computers because I can't stand seeing everyone attached to the screen. The kids barely ask to watch TV anymore because they are all entranced in the game. Sad.
I'm also becoming addicted to my one (I know that's not much but for me it is) cup of joe every morning. Except I still get the shakes if I don't eat a proper meal at some point after drinking the coffee.
The day of my presentation is creeping up. Three weeks tomorrow. Five pages are translated. I seriously think I am going to have to just read it. There is no way I will freely be able to speak in Hebrew and express myself properly. Although I think that presenters look stupid and are boring when they read off of cards instead of speak to the audience. Now I am going to be one of those stupid, boring people. I should have listened to Chana from the get-go and not agreed to do it. What am I getting out of it anyway besides just terrible nerves and stress?
Maybe I'll just imagine all those professors and librarians sitting in front of the computer playing matching games and I'll be ok...

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