Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I did it. I called Kaplan hospital and volunteered my services. The librarian said I fell "out of the sky" from G-d since right NOW she is in need of a volunteer. Funny how things work. I actually walked into two other libraries today. One children's library and the main Rehovot library (where I changed books for the whole family) and it was on the tip of my tongue to ask in both places about volunteering but something held me back. I think I will get the most experience in the medical library. It is small with only one librarian and she will need me to do real stuff besides just shelving and covering books with plastic.
I can't get into the leper book. I don't know if it's the subject or the writing. Maybe both. But now I have four books from the library to read. I just usually don't stop reading in the middle of a book.
Obama is handing over $900 M to Gaza. How do you like that? Supposedly, won't go to Hamas. Who is he kidding? Check out Andy McCarthy's blog about it. Good reading.
Gotta get the kids...Have a good one.

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