Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blister in the Sun

All is well in Sharyn's world. I already missed a blog day but believe you me that you didn't want to read whatever I would have posted yesterday. I was cranky. Real cranky. But today is another day. Kids are all in school, I went to work. Life is good.
Domestic question: WHY does my laundry always come out with lint/detergent on it? You would think that after 12 years of laundering (unfortunately, not money) I would have figured it out by now. But, no. Always the dark items have stuff on them. My kids walk around looking like poor, neglected. They really don't care but I do.
Last night Adam and I watched "The Wrestler" with Mickey Rourke. Is that really his body? and Marisa Tomei - wow! she looks fantastic (age 44). The critics all gave it A's. We enjoyed it. So, I was asking Adam afterwards this question: When a woman performs in a strip club for whatever reason (needs the money, enjoys it, whatever) it is thought of as shameful or embarrassing (for her family, kids, many people in the world, etc...) BUT when a woman performs as a stripper in a movie as an actress and the entire world sees it, that's ok because she is an actress and it's "art". That really bothers me. A woman does what she has to or wants to do and it should never be considered shameful. You with me?
Two of my fb friends had baby's this week. Congrats to them. I didn't feel any twinge inside. That is good.
Still working on "March". I like the writing style.
I'll leave you off today with a video (need to use the link. I still don't know how to get it actually onto my blog) for all you ol' time Femmes lovers. How I would have loved to see them in concert.
"When I'm a walking I strut my stuff..."
(If you're a real die hard check out "Kiss off" too. LOVE IT!)

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